Surviving Capitalism can be difficult. Not only are we expected to find food and shelter but an added obstacle of market shortage and extreme gaps in access to income now exist. I look at the delicacy in our survival in all of this smashing the natural world with the modern.

Song Birds was a multi-media Collage that extended into stencils with other outdoor pieces.
This is a 12″x18″ Linocut block print. I’m always fascinated with birds, especially blackbirds, for their intelligence and wit. When I watch or learn about birds, or any animal, I identify with their actions and motivations. Sometimes I see animal personalities in people. The bird people are smart and cunning. This isn’t about being two faced its questioning our essence. Maybe we just think that we are people.

This is a small 8″x10″ linoleum block print. I did this piece after hearing Azim Khamisa speak about creating the Tariq Khamisa Foundation after his son Tariq had been shot by a 14 year old gang member. The foundation was meant to support at risk youth like Tony Hicks who shot Tariq. Azim began working with Hicks’ grandfather and testified in support of the young man at his parole hearing. Mr. Khamisa talked about having an open heart and an open mind. I dont remember whether he said it but in my mind I felt that living in this way opens doors.

This was a 36″x36″ Lino cut that was pressed with a Steam Roller at the South West Print Fiesta. The image depicts my then 16 year old daughter swinging and feeling free even though she didn’t always feel free in her everyday life.

The Book of Rebels. This book is full of pen and ink illustrations of women who have struggled to change the world. They range from Anarchists to Politicians, Intellectuals to Artists and all in between. This book’s pages have been filled but the rebel women are still out there to fill it or others. You may be the next rebel woman to shape the world into a better place through your vision and perseverance.

Reduction Print Process