Moira Garcia from Art for Change and myself created a multimedia interactive art project asking people to share their individual beauty through a relief print and a song, sound, or utterance to create a visual soundscape representation of community. The project also featured a community codex asking people to express how they will be the change that they want to see in the world. The project was curated and executed at the AHA Progressive Arts Festival and Museum of Folk Art both in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

A collaboration of Sara.h2 (Sarah[h] squared) including Sara Basehart of Taos Glam Trash and Recycled Rebel and myself. We worked together to create a 9 foot Catrina Marionette. The piece was an interactive community art piece demanding participation from the public. The Marionette hung from the balcony of the John Dunn shops during the Paseo Art Project 2019. Ladybug was not an official entry in the Paseo Project but the crowds came through and worked together to make her dance and sing.

Neo Rio is a community land art event at Wild Rivers Recreation Area (BLM). As an artist for Neo Rio, I produced a community interactive art project based on the Periodic Table, which celebrated it’s 100 year anniversary. The project asked community members to share their interpretation of elements through images on a community chart that I designed and created. The event also consisted of an evening talk by artists, focusing on community and how we all bring some piece of beauty to the collectivity of our communities.